It is very helpful for us if you could leave a daytime contact telephone number with your request so as we can contact you to discuss any queries we may have regarding your request.
Only items which have previously been deemed available on repeat can be ordered without the need to speak to a GP. Unless the item is available on repeat it cannot be issued. For example antibiotics are not available as repeats. Similarly, various pain killers or creams that were given in the past for conditions may not have been deemed necessary or suitable to be put on the repeat list, so it is not always possible to order these. If you are in any doubt please contact the surgery.
Non-urgent advice: Please do not request your medication too far in advance of your current batch running out.
We tend to issue three months supply at a time for chronic conditions. This is because your health and medication requirements may change and will need reviewing before issue.
We do not accept repeat prescriptions over the telephone. This is because medications names, duration and quantities can be complicated and mis-heard and we want to avoid mistakes and keep you as safe as possible.