Repeat prescriptions
Repeat prescriptions are best requested via the NHSApp or SystemOnline as these methods are least likely to cause error or delay.
Alternatively, you can request in person at reception by dropping off your repeat slip. Please ask the receptionist if you need help.
If you use a dosette box, the pharmacy that you collect your medicines from will request the repeat prescriptions from us directly and then contact you.
Turnaround is 48 hours (2 working days) from point of order for items that are currently authorised for you on repeat. Scripts will be sent electronically to your nominated pharmacy.
Periodically, we may ask you to attend for an appointment to review your medication and/or check blood pressure, or carry out blood tests to make sure the medicines are working and still required.
New prescription and queries about medication
Normally, patients are issued new prescriptions after they have had a consultation with one of our doctors. This is the usual route if you have new symptoms.
If you have a minor ailment, you can submit a digital PATCHs request and one of our doctors or pharmacists will contact you to assess if a prescription will help.
If you have had a hospital appointment and they have issued some medication (or told you to ask us), please hand in the hospital letter or hospital prescription at reception so that we can continue prescribing.